
WordPress Plugins

Buy me a coffee– Button & widgets

The buy me coffee – button widget is a WordPress plugin to get donations or fundraise from supporters. No commission is needed and this is a free plugin.
You can collect your donations directly into your own PayPal/ Stripe Account.

Telegram Lite – Auto notify on post-publish

A free WordPress plugin for Telegram automatically Notifies when a new post is published. It is very light, and no other setups are required. It will automatically send your WordPress posts to any Telegram channel/group you have.


Development Helper Plugins


This is a boilerplate WordPress plugin built with vue and vite.

For developers only.


This is a boilerplate WordPress plugin built with Vue Vite and Tailwind.
Check on Git Hub for source code.

For developers only.


This is a boilerplate WordPress plugin built with Vue-2 and Webpack. Check GitHub by clicking the view plugin for the source code.

For developers only.

We Have Built a couple of completely free plugins!

We try to do things that will help the web better for all.