Category: Mac Setup

  • Share your local WordPress site.

    A local host-run site does not allow us to share our development progress with others or listen to webhooks while we are working on it. Webhooks, in particular, require a […]

  • GitHub SSH key setup takes Five minutes.

    You can set up Multiple GitHub accounts on a single device using SSH key Having to maintain multiple GitHub accounts for your projects might be time-consuming. Or GitHub SSH key […]

    GitHub SSH key setup takes Five minutes.
  • How to Install Laravel Valet on Mac

    If you’re a Mac user who wants to run PHP or you want to setup a development environment for your WordPress locally, You must set up a local server. Setting that up can sometimes ruin our day. But we can make it easy by doing some tricks. Here I will show you how to set…

    How to Install Laravel Valet on Mac