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Using Button Widget (Demo 1)

This is a demo of the Buy Me Coffee button widget which is easily customizable from settings. Also upcoming big feature is the button action. which you can determine whether to open a popup or open in full page.
This bellow button from button shortcode of BUY me coffee. shortcode: “[buymecofee_button]”

Use this Stripe test card bellow: 
Card: 4242424242424242
CVC: 123 (use any)
Expiry: 03/30 (any future date)
Buy Me Coffee – Form shortcode

Buy John
a coffee

Use this Stripe test card bellow: 
Card: 4242424242424242
CVC: 123 (use any)
Expiry: 03/30 (any future date)
Buy Me Coffee Full Page – Basic Template

Click to view the full-page template of Buy Me Coffee. You can use it by using a block editor or paste a shortcode on any page you want.
shortcode: [ buymecoffee_basic ]

Use this Stripe test card bellow: 
Card: 4242424242424242
CVC: 123 (use any)
Expiry: 03/30 (any future date)

Buy Me Coffee Full Page – Basic Template with amount only

Click to view the full-page template of Buy Me Coffee. You can use it by using a block editor or paste a shortcode on any page you want. just add &custom to your URL param. you can pass a default value like this. &custom=10
shortcode: [ buymecoffee_basic ]

Use this Stripe test card bellow: 
Card: 4242424242424242
CVC: 123 (use any)
Expiry: 03/30 (any future date)